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Strategy formation and rollout according to the signed off work plan.

At this stage a detailed work plan and budgets will be discussed and finalized.

We offer creative , digital and tech services for businesses of all sizes and shapes. We offer two methods of working, either charged for work scope, to tailer make a shared or dedicated team for your business.

If you are a marketing, digital or advertising agency looking to reduce your overhead cost and scale your business. We have bespoke solutions for you. We provided managed talent either as shared resource or a dedicated staff.

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After the discovery call we
will define the scope of work
and propose way forward.

First lets set up a discovery call to understand if we are a good match to achieve business results.

Strategy formation and rollout according to the signed off work plan.

At this stage a detailed work plan and budgets will be discussed and finalised.

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Consectetur adipiscing elit

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